Deliveroo x 354 local restaurants

We have lots of great local restaurants in every district, but not every one of them can afford to make themselves an advertisement. As part of Deliveroo’s effort in promoting small to medium-sized restaurants, we created 350+ unique promotion videos; each of which features one local restaurant.

The 354 videos could be finished within weeks thanks to some clever programming by the Kitchen. Dozens of video clips were uploaded to the programme, so the latter could automatically generate the final videos without duplication.

Full play list of the 354 videos for 354 local restaurants:

And a few articles on our effort for the campaign: %8F%E4%BC%81%E5%81%9A%E6%8E%A8%E5%BB%A3-%E8 %AA%AA%E6%95%85%E4%BA%8B%E9%87%8D%E8%A6%96 %E6%BA%AB%E5%BA%A6/ar-BB19TrQN


Deliveroo x TenRen


Deliveroo - brand TVC parody